This is my story about my journey to
a healthier lifestyle which I hope will inspire you to start living a much
healthier lifestyle. I am in my early thirties and I weigh a whooping 116kgs
and my height is about 5.7ft which takes my BMI to over 30 which simply means I
am obese. The recommended BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 which means I have to loose close
to 40kgs if I have to be within the normal BMI range. My total body fat also currently
stands at more than 30% whereas the acceptable body fat is 18% to 25% hence my
job in terms of losing weight is well cut out for me.
My weight at birth was 4.8kgs and
as I grew up I was always the heaviest among my peers. In fact when I joined
high school, I was so rounded that on the first day I earned the nickname
“Yokoh” (“Yokozuna” if you prefer it in full). At home my older siblings never
out did me in weight though they were a couple of years older than me. The fact
that I was not active in sports in my formative years also contributed to my weight.