Friday, October 19, 2012


Yesterday I had a candid discussion with a brother from another religion and he posed questions that we all Kenyans need to ask ourselves every day. If indeed we are as different as we purport to be, why is it that we all undergo the same stages in life. When I get hungry or thirsty does my brother/sister from another tribe or religion not undergo the same. Are the illnesses that my brother/sister from the other religion/tribe suffers from not the same as those that I suffer from. When I die why brother or sister from the other community of religion will have a death similar to mine. Or will his/her death be different? So what are the differences that we see in people of tribes or religions different from ours such that we will not bat an eyelid as we slash them with machetes? Why is it that we will hurl grenades in a congregation full of women yet when one of our own is arrested we are up in arms protesting. My religion teaches me that we were all created in the image and likeness of GOD. I thus believe each and everyone of us regardless of our different faith or tribal extraction we are all a replica of GOD.