Thursday, January 6, 2011


An American professor opined that corruption has a considerable effect on our lives because it is all around us. He continued to say that the emphasis on getting rich, no matter how, is so tremendous that it influences virtually every aspect of the society. This desire to get rich is driven by greed; the greed for money, greed for property and greed for wealth. That is why people will go to all extremes to acquire any piece of land or any other property they come across regardless of who it belongs to. These land grabbers have not spared our forests too. The forest cover has been depleted so low that even areas that never used to experience drought are now experiencing it. It is common knowledge that our forests have been destroyed by the same people who are supposed to be championing for our rights; either by allocating themselves pieces of land in the forest or by displacing the poor from their land and driving them into the forest lands. People have become so materialistic that they would even kill their kin just to get a bigger portion of property than what they rightly deserve. It is this same greed that is carried into our institutions. Our forests, our road reserves and land meant for public amenities have all been lost in the frenzy to amass wealth.
It is about time the government made good its threat to repossess the property that has been illegally acquired. Although some positive steps have been made to this effect we are yet to see much headway made especially where the so called big-fat cats are involved. I also feel that mere repossession of property got by embezzling public funds or through corrupt practices is not enough deterrent for these crimes. We would also love to see the culprits serve jail term. Some have even gone further to stash wealth that has been acquired through unscrupulous means in unidentified foreign accounts. I believe one way of winning this war against corruption is by enforcing the laws on corruption and other economic crimes. By ensuring that those who have stolen from the exchequer are brought to book and all their illegally acquired property is repossessed. We would love to see repossession of property and subsequent prosecution of all those that have profited from corrupt deals.
In Kenya today, he who steals to feed his/her family gets a longer jail term as compared to the crooks that deprive the entire nation of resources that are meant for basic amenities and other development projects. On the other hand the big sharks continue to roam the waters. They use the money that they stole from taxpayers’ kitty to buy the best legal minds to come to their defense. Even when the happen to get into the pen which hardly happens, they continue with their lives of splendor. This only serves to entrench impunity further. The government should thus deal with these corrupt individuals with the full force of the law so as to deter similar crimes from like-minded individuals.

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